Monday, May 5, 2008

Story of the world

I love history, so I'd probably be into any history curriculum I pick up, but we love Story of the World. We started last year in Volume 1 and are just finishing up Volume 2 this spring. The reading book has short, interesting chapters, often incorporating a folk tale from a particular time period. The accompanying activity book has suggestions for comprehension, map work, crafts, and further reading.

Ethan has inherited my history gene, so I think I could read the whole book to him in one sitting. Megan sees me pull it out and runs, but she's just not that into history period.

We bought the test booklets this spring just to try them out. I don't necessarily recommend them. I think covering the comprehension questions in the activity book will suffice. We use them more as review.

This may be the most dull post I've ever written in my life, but I've wanted to share reviews of curriculum for awhile so this will be the first in a line of many. Hopefully I can instill a little more oomph into future reviews.

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