Monday, September 29, 2008

New background

I told you I would change my background frequently. I actually tried three different fall backgrounds before I settled on this one - it seemed the easiest to read. I have to use things like this to remind me that it is fall. Since we are leaving in less than 2 months to spend many weeks in Minnesota, my kids have upped the number of questions they ask about what it's like in the fall. I think a lapbook on seasons may be in order, though I don't know that it will even help. I'm sure stepping out of the Minneapolis airport into the frigid air on November 24th will be a learning lesson in itself.

1 comment:

Nonna said...

I love the new background. I would like to have the materials to make a card like that.

We will have to read some fall books when you come as fall will probably be mostly over. The possibility of snow is also feasible.